Village Lottery Draw


The New Village Hall Committee is pleased to confirm the next Lottery Draw will be held at the Combined village societies AGM  on the 23rd July in the Village Hall. The Committee would like to thank everyone that has renewed their numbers this year. There are still numbers available to purchase. Tickets are £12 annually, a maximum of 12 tickets can be held by one participant. There are three draws per year and the jackpot is shared between  3 entrants.

The  prize fund will be 50% of the Income for that 4 month period—

1st prize = 50% of prize fund.
2nd prize = 37.5% of prize fund.
3rd prize = 12.5% of prize fund.

Please contact Janet Tourell if you would like to purchase a ticket or renew your numbers Email:

The next draw, after the 23rd July, will be held at the Christmas Market, also in the Village Hall. Dates for this will be published here and on the lottery page of New Village Hall website as soon as they have been confirmed.

*For full details of the HDCC Lottery including terms and conditions please visit our website here

**For details of previous draws please visit our website here