St Mark’s Church News for August 2021.

Well, here we are, almost saying goodbye to July!  As I write, we haven’t so far seen any summer, apart from a week or so.  Other than that, it has been wet and much colder than we would have expected.
However, the Churchyard is looking lovely in its summer clothing, as we just get paths mown through the tall grasses and wild flowers, rather than have a manicured effect.  There was a beautiful display of early purple orchids this year.
We hope soon to have replaced one, or possibly two of the benches that had gone past their use by date, and were actually dangerous to sit on, in case they collapsed.  A Churchyard is such a wonderful place to sit and and listen to the birds and insects that enjoy the natural growth, so we’re hoping it won’t be too long before people can do that.
As to inside the Church—well we continue to hold our weekly services, but the congregation is still not allowed to sing unfortunately.  We are hoping that after the 19th July, and national measures have been relaxed, that the Church of England will agree to allow us to relax this decree as well.  At present it is only our rather diminishing choir who are allowed to sing.  I hope though that you have all enjoyed following the words in the Hymnbooks, as the music is played and sung.  Hymns are such a big part of worship, aren’t they?
Hopefully we will be allowed to serve refreshments after the services as well.  We all miss the chats and catch-ups that we used to have after the services.  Community is a big part of our Christian life, and that is one way, when we can have it.
We have been very grateful to Rev. David Milnes for taking some of our services, when he hasn’t had to help out in another Church.  It has been great to have our Rector as well, but good for him not to have to rush from Church to Church.  It’s also so good that he is able to go to the west door after the service, and have a chat to people as they go home.
We are still very few in number at St. Mark’s, so when restrictions are lifted, we are so hoping that more of you who read this news column will find it possible to join us. It would be so good to see you.
Valerie Banks and Janet Tourell.  Deputy Church Wardens.