Hadlow Down Summer Fayre

We’re thrilled to announce the Hadlow Down Village Fayre & Dog Show on Saturday, 7th September from 1pm to 5pm at the Hadlow Down Playing Field! Stay tuned for exciting updates on all the fun activities and amazing raffle prizes you won’t want to miss!

The Big Village Picnic has been cancelled

The Big Village Picnic has now been cancelled as a mark of respect given the recent sad announcement of the Queen’s death.

The Village Fayre Committee are pleased to be hosting
The Together We Can
Big Village Picnic
at 12 noon on Sunday 11th September, Hadlow Down Playing Field


A free community event for Hadlow Down Residents. Bring your own picnic and seating or book a fancy picnic table, in the comfort of our beautifully decorated canvas marquee. Gates will open at 12pm. Many of our Village Associations will be there offering refreshments and entertainment. We hope you will join us and meet with neighbours old and new for an afternoon of fun. Karaoke and open mic spots will run from the Pavilion stage later in the afternoon. Families can either bring their own picnics and enjoy the event and music or alternatively, simply turn up as food and drink will be available to purchase at the event.

Our aim is to bring everyone together again post pandemic. Perhaps you would like to find out more about what goes on in the village! Are you a newcomer? Hadlow Down is a wonderfully vibrant community with lots of lovely outdoor spaces, clubs and societies. This is your chance to see what we are all up to and join in if you’d like to. A fun afternoon celebrating what a great village we are, introducing newcomers to all that we have to offer and hopefully generating interest for more people to get involved

Big Village Picnic FAQ’s

Do I need a ticket?

No, this is a free community event funded as part of the *Together We Can initiative for local residents to enjoy.

*The Parish Council is funding The Big Village Picnic through a grant secured from the National Lottery

Is there parking at this event?

There is limited free parking at the Playing Field. Please walk to the event if possible.

What time does the Event start?

12 noon

What time does the event finish?

6 pm

How much is a Fancy Picnic Table?

Bookings are £15 per table, each table seats up to 6.
Each booking includes a dressed table and 6 chairs in the marquee. Tables will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All proceeds will be donated to the New Village Hall.
For table bookings and enquiries please contact Mandy mandy.chapman45@googlemail.com

Can I perform my own song as part of the open mic?

Please contact Pete to discuss your backing track and any other requests for the open mic session

What else will be at the event?

Tea and cake – run by EnGage TN22 Clubs
Botanical Pimms Stall – run by the Horticutural Society
“Walk on the Wild Side” launch – by the Playing Field Committee
St. Mark’s School and Wings to Fly – Craft Activities
Harveys Stall and Prosecco Bar – run by the New Village Hall Committee
Kit Wilson Trust
Together we Can, Time Pledging  – run by Village Fayre Committee
Karaoke and Open Mic from 3pm – contact Pete for more details
Street Food and lots more!

Connecting people to the Village we live in is key to the survival of our community life. We hope to inspire some of you to become a “Village Maker”. Our initiative is a simple one, can you spare a few hours to support our Village? You don’t need to join a committee or commit to regular times. We hope you might pledge some time to support our various initiatives and societies.  We know that many of you would love to be more connected to the Village. We believe this model suits people from different backgrounds who want to offer different commitment levels to volunteering, rather than feeling overwhelmed by regular lengthy meetings with a lot of people you don’t know!

Simply pledge some time at the Big Village Picnic and let us know what you are interested in. We will match village projects and activities with your skills, interests and time commitment. This makes so much sense as having larger numbers of volunteers and supporters, who give smaller amounts of volunteering time can add up to considerable support for our wonderful village. So many of you stepped up during the pandemic we know that there is a real willingness to get involved and help out if you can.

We hope you will come along and say “hello!” the days of saying hello to strangers in the street, on a bus, or at the park have sadly pretty much become a thing of the past. Most of us have spent too much time on our own over the past two years or so and now is the moment to get back out there; make connections with people young and old. We are so looking forward to seeing you.

Save our Village Fayre!


Sarah and Lally will be at the Village Hall on Friday evening, 25th February at 7.30 pm,  representing the dangerously near extinction Hadlow Down Village Fayre! If you are interested in saving our wonderful Fayre and could spare some time to support putting on an event we would love to see you there!

We are keen to attract groups of friends to join us as volunteers and we are on the look out for a new Chair, could it be you or do you know the perfect candidate?

If you would like more information or have any questions about what we are looking for please contact Sarah, thank you.


Village Societies AGM this Friday !

All residents of Hadlow Down are warmly invited to join the Village Societies at their Annual General Meeting this Friday 25th February. The meeting will be held in The Village Hall, on Hut Lane, at 7.30pm.

The Chairs of each Association will give their Annual Report and present their accounts. In addition the societies will also appoint their officers for the coming year.  We will also be joined by a representative from St.Mark’s Church who will be giving an update on behalf of the Rector.

You will hear about all the current initiatives and have a chance to ask questions. Refreshments will be served and plus there is ample time to chat with various members of our Village societies as well as other residents.


Perhaps you have moved to Hadlow Down recently or would like to be more involved in what happens in the Village? Do come along you will be warmly welcomed.

VE Day 75

I am afraid that the terrible Coronavirus emergency and consequent Government guidance means that we are unable to come together today. Our plans, here in the village, for  VE Day 75 community celebrations due to take place on the bank holiday weekend of 8th – 10th May are on ice. It is right and proper that people should be kept safe and healthy.

However, you could take part in celebrations safely from home. I am sure that many of you are planning to do just that. Please share your celebrations with us,

Show us how you’re celebrating! Share your stay at home party photos using the hashtags
#veday75 #hadlowdown

If you are happy to send them to us we will publish them here on the Village Fayre Page on Sunday 10th May.

With my very best wishes,

Sarah Prall, Chair Hadlow Down Village Fayre Committee

Please send your photos, drawings, poems to sarahprall@btinternet.com by Midnight Saturday 9th May.

The Big Village Party 2

The Village Fayre Committee are proud to be hosting the second Big Village Party at the Playing Field.

The Party will start at 4pm on Saturday 30th June and will finish at Midnight. Our aim is to embrace the young and old of the
village and to help with this the School will be curating a festival area for the young which will be running from 4pm.

After 3 brilliant years bringing you the Village Fayre from Tinkers Park, we bid a fond farewell and are enjoying settling back into our original home at The Playing Field in the heart of our village.

The Playing Field is a beautiful setting and its ours, the Villages’ and we love it! It’s got loads of space for us to run around and offers a stunning outlook for the Marquees.

Like last year we will bring you fantastic live music from 5pm with a diverse line up, again something for all tastes. Stay in touch here and on the Village Website for the confirmed line up announcements. A full schedule with timings will be
published shortly before the festival.

Our aim is to provide a range of delicious food and drink using locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. There will be a delicious barbecue, with gourmet burgers and salad.
Vegetarian options including pesto and halloumi burgers, a vegetarian curry and more! Meal tickets will be
sold at the event or before with a discounted price for groups/ families.
If you would like to pre-buy meal tickets please contact
Mandy on 01825 830916 mandy.chapman45@googlemail.com
or Glenys on 01825 830857 glenys.lake@btopenworld.com
no later than Monday 25th June.

We hope you will embrace the Festival vibe! Our inspiration this year is all the colours of the rainbow and we hope you will embrace all that brings. We plan to party whatever the weather so dust off your sequins,get creative with your make-up and outfit! We positively encourage fancy dress…so get your thinking caps on. Let’s dress up and dance!


Continue reading “The Big Village Party 2”

Village Fayre

Committee made up of enthusiastic residents of the village, dedicated to coordinating and running the Annual Village Fayre and Dog Show. A traditional annual Summer Event put on by the Committee and many wonderful volunteers. We aim to provide a fun event whilst fundraising for community projects, clubs, societies etc. New members are always welcome. Join us at one of our meetings, please see our contact details below.

Activity Address Hadlow Down Playing Field
Contacts Sarah Prall and Lally Drake   –   Co-Chairmen
Address Sarah Prall, Waghorns,Waghorns Lane. Hadlow Down TN22 4EB
Lally Drake, Brick Kiln Farm, Brick Kiln Lane. Hadlow Down TN22 4EJ
Telephone 01825 830373
Email sarahprall@btinternet.com or lally@jdouk.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hadlowdownsummerfayre/