Spring Market

We do hope you can come along and join us for the Spring Market to be held in the Village Hall on
Saturday 23rd March, 10 am -2 pm.
Local Produce, preserves, crafts, plants and lots more available.Refreshments will be served all morning and HDCC will be drawing the winners of the Spring Lottery.

Village Hall Gets Lottery Grant

From Hadlow Down Village Hall:

We did it! an award from the Lottery Community Fund to help us to make improvements at our lovely Village Hall:

– heating in the committee room
– fire alarm system
– pot holes
– improving ramps and railings around the hall

Local PCSO to attend Parish Council meeting

From Councillor Michael Lunn
The Parish Council is looking forward to hear from our local PCSO Sue Choppin from Sussex Police regarding local crime issues. Meeting starts at 7pm tomorrow  (6th. December) in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
All parishioners welcome