Historical pictures from the Hadlow Down Village Trust archives will gradually be added to these pages.
If you can add any dates or other information to the pictures please email webadmin@hadlowdown.com.
The Village Trust welcomes any additions to the Trust’s picture archive .
The Grange, Hadlow Down
It was George Fellowes Prynne’s first secular building.

Hadlow Down Village Trust
In forming the Hadlow Down Village Trust the aim was to record the memories of the village and its people in sound, vision and print for future generations, and to preserve vital oral history and accounts of village life in the twentieth and twenty first century.
The original idea came from Eddie Westfield who felt strongly that we record this type of social history, and retain interesting documents and photographs for future village generations. The first task was to secure the wonderful archive of Peter Gillies, author of the excellent Hadlow Down: An Autobiography.
We welcome any donations of photos, documents and of course personal memories and anecdotes to add to the collection or loaned to us so that we can scan them and retain a copy.
Please contact hadlowdowntrust@gmail.com if you can help,