Village Hall Gets Lottery Grant

From Hadlow Down Village Hall:

We did it! an award from the Lottery Community Fund to help us to make improvements at our lovely Village Hall:

– heating in the committee room
– fire alarm system
– pot holes
– improving ramps and railings around the hall

The Big Help Out

To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation, thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all a chance to help out in our own communities.
Starting on Monday 8th. May there will be opportunities for everyone to join in.  No matter what you are good at, there’ll be something to suit helping hands of all shapes and sizes!  From checking in on someone who’d like a bit of company or volunteering for a charity the more of us who join in, the bigger help we will be.
If you can spare an hour …fantastic.  A day…amazing.  If it becomes a regular thing, so much the better.  If we all do a bit, it will really help a lot.
Help us to do something amazing, join in, lend a hand, make a change.
As well as those numerous national charities etc. who are involved in the Big Help Out to date all of the following village clubs, societies and organisations have indicated that they will warmly welcome new volunteers.  The details of kind of help, time, contacts, benefits and other information need much more room than is available on our Village Magazine page or the Hadow Down Web Site News page or the Facebook Group page so we have created a PDF document that will be stored as a file for anyone to access at any times by just going to:
The Big Help Out PDF Form Master

The list will be updated regularly but so far includes:

H D Macmillan Big Coffee Morning
The Hadlow Down Village Magazine
The Hadlow Down Litter Picking Group
The Hadlow Down Neighbourhood Watch
The TN22 Club
The H D Children in Need Group
The Hadlow Down Drama & Variety Club
The Hadlow Down Village Trust
The TN22 Plus Club
The Hadlow Down Playing Field
The Hadlow Down Gardening Club
The Hadlow Down Village Facebook Group
The KIt Wilson Trust
Hadlow Down Online – Village Web Site
Wilderness Wood
The Hadlow Down Village Hall
H D Comic Relief Red Nose Group

Other Clubs and Organisations have contacted us to ask that although they currently need no working volunteers they would always warmly welcome new members to the clubs & societies etc. to share in their activities. They are: Hadlow Down Book Club; The Hadlow Down Horticultural Society!

The Mayfield Trust

What is The Mayfield Trust?

Mayfield Charity (informally known as the Mayfield Trust) is a Charity that provides short-term assistance to those most in need within the local community.  Originally it provided help solely to poor and needy individuals/families of the Parish, but in recent years the scope of the Trust has been increased and we are now able, in some circumstances, to assist local organisations in their support of the community.

Hadlow Down Village Trust

In forming the Hadlow Down Village Trust the aim was to record the memories of the village and its people in sound, vision and print for future generations, and to preserve vital oral history and accounts of village life in the twentieth and twenty first century.

The original idea came from Eddie Westfield who felt strongly that we record this type of social history, and retain interesting documents and photographs for future village generations. The first task was to secure the wonderful archive of Peter Gillies, author of the excellent Hadlow Down: An Autobiography.
We welcome any donations of photos, documents and of course personal memories and anecdotes to add to the collection or loaned  to us so that we can scan them and retain a copy.
Please contact if you can help,

Hadlow Down Village Trust

In forming the Hadlow Down Village Trust the aim was to record the memories of the village and its people in sound, vision and print for future generations, and to preserve vital oral history and accounts of village life in the twentieth and twenty first century.

The original idea came from Eddie Westfield who felt strongly that we record this type of social history, and retain interesting documents and photographs for future village generations. The first task was to secure the wonderful archive of Peter Gillies, author of the excellent Hadlow Down: An Autobiography.
We welcome any donations of photos, documents and of course personal memories and anecdotes to add to the collection or loaned  to us so that we can scan them and retain a copy.
Please contact if you can help,